Monday, March 7, 2011

7.8 Dune Revegation Questions

1. Stuarts point in coastal mid-north NSW
2. 1893 (the Stuarts Point spit separates the river from the sea) May 1965 (seedlings were introduced to the area to restabilise the area) August 1965 (grazing cattle ate the seedlings and prevented restablilisation) 1970 (the government introduces one of the country's largest revegation project) Now (the dunes have been successfully restabilised)
3. The community put up fences and signs to stop people, and cattle, from destroying ot delaying the revegation process
4. Tourism and Fishing Industries make this area a valuable aspect to the local community
5. The gradual introduction of stronger and more stabilising plants in the essential parts make the revegation process so successful.
6. The roots move down into the dune, holding the sand in place meaning the wind cannot move the sand dune anymore
7. The cattle grazing stopped the initial seedling plantations as the cows then ate the seedlings before they were big enough to stabilise.
8. Fences put up would have stopped cattle getting at the seedlings but the lack of vegetation could mean the movement of the dunes due to wind and water etc.
9. The local community, Australian and NSW governments and tourists.
10.  Assess, Evaluate, Tractors were used to create the foredune, essential for the regeneration, planting trees was the next stage.

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